Some of us may be knee-deep in the holiday trenches while some of us may be fixated on what the new year will bring. And then there are the ones trying to juggle both. The excitement of a fresh start; a clean slate-is probably what most Americans looked forward to. We want to wash off the “I’ll lose 15 lbs” or the “I’m getting a new job this year” and even the “I’ll travel more” resolutions that didn’t quite get resolved.
One thing that I’m working on this holiday season is really preparing for the new year. I want to build in my new routines now as opposed to January 1st. It’s important to me to bring in the new year with a clean and organized state of mind. Maybe it’s this life changing decision I made a month and a half ago or maybe it’s the eagerness of what the future holds. Either way, I can’t complain. One thing that I have learned along my journey is how important your appearance is when it comes to checking off those resolutions. Sounds silly, right? Well, let me take you inside my logic.
I’m a true believer in “when you look good, you feel good”. Now, that doesn’t mean that you have to wait until you lose those 15 lbs to feel good. Will you feel better when you do it, of course! But what about in the mean time? Does that mean you can’t enjoy the beach because you don’t exactly fit into the bikini you’ve been dying to wear? Or maybe you just don’t feel it in you to really do anything. I know the feeling because I struggled with it. The frustrations of weight loss, the lack of motivation, and even the lack of caring of what I looked like. And if we’re self diagnosing here (which I always am) then I’m going to say that length of time that this went on for was doubled by how I chose to wake up, look, and feel every day.
Now, this doesn’t mean you have to have a full face of makeup on and wear stilettos everyday-unless you want to. It’s about finding what makes you feel good! Your appearance will not only allow you to feel good on the inside, but to others as well. Maybe you’re looking for a promotion at work or maybe you’re on the hunt for a new job. Taking those extra 10-15 minutes to get ready in the morning can allow your employer to look at you in a different light. Why would it make a difference? Because they think that when you take care of the way you look then you can take care of business. Hence, you should always dress for the job you want! #GirlBoss*
Not sure how to get started? Here are some tips that help me each morning:
1. Go on Pinterest (which I’m sure you’re fully aware of all the amazing-ness that this app offers) and look for styles that interest you. Make a board (which you can also make private if you choose to). As you start to look back at things that you’ve pinned you will start to notice a trend of the looks you like.
2. Find similar pieces in your wardrobe (or go shopping-this can also make you feel better, but be careful not to overdo it. You want to buy things that are going to be classic pieces in your wardrobe) and play around with different looks in the mirror. Keep going until you find outfits that make you feel beautiful & confident. Remember, it’s all about having fun!
3. Makeup may not be your thing and that’s okay. Adding lipstick (or even a tinted lip balm) can make you look more awake and put together. Want to take it a step further? Add some blush to the apples of your cheeks for a pop of color.
4. Not in the mood for blowing out your hair? Or maybe you’re in a rush? Add some smoothing serum and pull back your hair into a low bun for a very polished and professional look.
5. Just do it! Nike has had it right all along-wake up, get dressed and show up! It’s half the battle and you will feel like you can conquer the world!
It may seem like a lot of work, but trust me-you will feel better and motivated!
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#GirlBoss reference is from Nasty Gal’s Founder & CEO, Sophia Amoruso’s book #GirlBoss. It’s a great read and very inspiring. Check it out here!