The blogging life. Ah, there’s so much that you don’t get to see.
It’s full of chaos, changing in cars (a lot), long nights, worsening vision-I’ll spare you the rest. But, it’s something I wouldn’t trade for the world! There are moments full of life, fulfillment, inspiration and passion. The moments people live for. The good stuff, ya know? Let’s talk abut the part that you do see; the photos.
While celebrating this one year milestone I thought about the person that you don’t see plastered all over the blog. The person behind the photos. The one who spends just as much time working on the blog as me. Yes, he’s my boyfriend and supports me in everything that I do but he’s just as invested in this blog as me. Garry’s constantly pushing me to think outside of the box, to help me grow not only as a person, but as a blogger and to push the limits of our photos.
I think back to when we first started. Our first big-boy camera was a Sony. Garry had some prior camera knowledge since he picked it up as a hobby, but we quickly realized that there was an abundance of things we had to learn. A lot of F-stop, mm lenses, and shutter talk (yup, still not sure what it all means). As I look back at the beginning, I see how far he’s come and it makes me so proud. He loves experimenting and that’s what is so refreshing. He has not limits. He’s not scared to try something different and to see where it will go and that’s something that inspires me everyday.
This shoot is a testament to that. These blogaversary photos are by far my favorites because of the story they tell and the creativity behind them. It also shows how much Love, Grey Skies has evolved within a year (see the first post here). So, join me as I say thank you to the man behind the camera!
Thank you Garr!!
It wouldn’t be a style blog if I didn’t talk about my outfit, right? And how could I resist. I’m obsessed with this look because it has a pop of yellow and embellishments-every fashionista’s dream. This outfit is great to transition into spring (or if you live on the west coast). The outfit in itself does most of the talking so you want to keep the accessories to a minimum so it doesn’t overshadow the look or look like you were trying to hard. But, like with everything style related-it’s finding the right balance for your own style. Feel confident in what you wear and you can conquer the world!
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