Today was one of those days. Ya know, the ones that make getting into bed that much more luxurious because you’re beyond exhausted?
It was more of an emotional roller coaster rather than a physically exhausting day (shh, I skipped the gym today). I had a meeting today that wasn’t quite what I was looking for followed by something I really wanted not working out. It’s the kind of day that makes you question everything that you’re doing and honestly, sometimes it’s hard to fight the feeling of wanting to give up. I try to do a lot of reflecting at night and there was so much to think about from today. What did I do wrong, what could have I done better, why not me? and the list goes on. But that feeling you have once you fight the urge to give up is SO much more satisfying.
It may seem a little easier said than done, but I find when I make an effort to think more positively on an everyday basis that it helps. That and prayer.
I am a believer in things working out when it’s the right time, which can be frustrating when it’s not aligned with your time. But, when things don’t work in your favor then I feel like it helps you become stronger and build character. As long as you learn from each experience and apply it. Like Albert Einstein said “Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results”. So with that said, I’m taking tomorrow by the horns! It will be a new day and I’m ready to see what else is in store!
Now, what does this have to do with my outfit? Nothing really. I wanted to share a bit of what a normal day is for me. These photos only show a piece of what my life looks like. I think it’s important to know that the hard days shouldn’t hinder you from the end goal and learning to motivate yourself will keep you going. It’s important to follow your dreams, not matter how long it takes. As long as you take one small step each day then you will get there!
Now what I will say about this outfit is that you don’t have to give up florals in the winter. It’s a great way to add some variety to your winter wardrobe without spending money. Also, you want to make sure that you have a white button up in your wardrobe. It looks great with ripped jeans or a skirt-so versatile!
I hope that you are enjoying your week so far!
Don’t forget to dream big and work hard,
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