Day 2 of the We All Grow Summit was overwhelming with love, support and lots of women empowerment. We had only been together for one full day and bonds were already created. It was kind of magical how it all happened.
This day I was speaking on a panel so I woke up a bit anxious, but more excited than anything. To start off we headed to the Aveeno suite for some delicious smoothies. They’re set up was so adorable. They had a fruit-stand set up with mason jars that had different ingredients in them. All you had to do was pick your smoothie and hand it over and they would blend it for you! Mine had banana, strawberries, oatmeal, raw almonds, honey, and Maca powder. Definitely need to make this at home. Remember-good skin and makeup starts from the inside out!
I wore this gray dress, which was super light so it’s perfect for summer. Since it’s so basic I threw on this beautiful white vest. It gives the look a bit more umph. The sandals compliment the look and keep it very light and feminine. Plus, they’re super comfortable!
(Left to Right) JasminMakeup1 // Ydelays // Stephanie Flor
These were the beautiful ladies that I had the honor of speaking with. We did a workshop on Finding Your Niche in Beauty and it was so great being able to share our experiences with other bloggers. The thing that I love about the We All Grow Summit is what it stands for-when one grows, we all grow. And that couldn’t be more true! We all shared our tips and tricks while we learned as well.
Alana and I had so much fun with the Mazda MX5! It’s such a beautiful car. I instantly saw myself driving this with my hair blowing in the wind. I mean..can you blame me?
One of the best parts was being able to try out the new Narciso Rodriguez perfumes. Oh My. They have a very strong scent with some musky undertone which I love because they wear off so great. As the day goes on the scent gets lighter but it’s still very pleasant. This particular one is exclusive to Bloomingdales.
It’s only been one week and I think its safe to say that we’re all having withdrawals!
Tiffany Diana
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