As I’ve gotten older I started experiencing “adult acne”. Well, what I thought was adult acne. I was freaking out because I was getting breakouts at least every other day and they hurt. My face started to look and feel very foreign to me.
If you’ve read my blog before then you know this struggle has been going on for two years. I’ve tried so many different things; prescribed medicine, benzoyl peroxide (I winded up burning my face), facials, etc. The frustrating part was that nothing worked long term. I would have certain spurts of clear skin, but then two weeks later it would be back to my “normal” skin. Yes, I even gave up dairy.
Last month I went to Red Door Spa and I met with Valentina. I went in to test out the Pro-Renewal Facial and let me tell you-she changed my life. It had me wondering where she was all my life! So today, I wanted to share what I learned and how it started to make a difference in my skincare regimen.
What’s so great about a facial?
Skin Analysis
The first part that I loved was the skin analysis. Valentina (who was ah-mazing, btw) was able to tell me that I did not in fact have adult acne-it was all hormonal. Most likely due to stress. I’ll explain that in another blog post. This was able to clear up a lot of things for me because the medication I was taking wasn’t treating the problem. The next part was my skin type. This is CRUCIAL if you’re putting anything on your face. She explained that I have normal/combination so I do have to use products that are oil-free and that don’t clog my pores.
Cleanse, Exfoliate & Extract
After she walked me through the analysis she started cleansing my face. This helps remove any dirt, excess oil, and make sure that the surface (and below) is clean and bacteria free. Next she was able to put an exfoliating treatment to help remove any dead layer of skin. Following that she extracted any blackheads and problematic areas to remove all that nasty gunk that we like to poke at. Valentina also told me in a very stern, but nice tone to stop picking at my face. My biggest concern are the spots left after a breakout and because I tend to pop them then Im damaging the skin. Basically, I’m giving myself scars.
Moisturize + Hydrate
To make my skin feel radiant and healthy she followed up with the Elizabeth Arden Pro moisturizer. This helped my face feel so silky smooth and plump. If you know me then you know I love for my face to feel that way. It’s the key to keeping your skin look youthful. And I want to look like this for as long as I can.
Personally the whole experience was very relaxing. Yes, even the extraction part. I’m not sure if it was Valentina’s touch (I HIGHLY recommend her) or the fact that she is amazing at her job. Maybe both. I started using the right products and I can say I’ve seen a dramatic change in my skin. I’m trying to incorporate a monthly facial into my budget because I know that it will make a whirl of a difference. So keep your fingers crossed for me!
If you’re having some skin issues or just want to relax then I really recommend trying out a facial. The experience is worth having!
Tiffany Diana
#GalSquad #TheRedDoor